Burberry CEO visits Drexel May 2nd

April 16, 2012

We look forward to welcoming Angela Ahrendts, CEO of Burberry, as this year’s Design & Merchandising Distinguished Speaker. Ahrendts will be on campus May 2nd for a one-on-one interview with Judith E. Glaser, founder of Benchmark Communications and recipient of the 2011 Drexel Distinguished Alumni Award. The talk will be in Bossone’s Mitchell Auditorium at 6 PM and will focus on how Angela became Burberry CEO and the strategies that have reinvigorated the historic brand. The event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP by emailing Marie Hitchner (mhitcher@drexel.edu).

Angela will be the recipient of the inaugural Westphal Award in recognition of her leadership at Burberry and her work to establish and cultivate the Burberry Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to helping young people realize their dreams and potential through the power of their creativity. She will be given the award at a 12-noon luncheon on May 2nd in Behrakis Grand Hall (3210 Chestnut St.). If you are interested in purchasing a seat or table at the luncheon, please contact Louisa Hanshew at leh72@drexel.edu.

Since taking over Burberry, the iconic British luxury brand in 2006, Angela Ahrendts has led a management team that has transformed the brand into one of the most innovative and successful names in fashion. For her efforts, Ms. Ahrendts was named to Forbes' list of the 100 Most Powerful Women for the last three years. Burberry was ranked by Fast Company magazine as the 13th most innovative company and by Interbrand as the 4th fastest growing brand in the world last year.